Introducing the first Comprehensive Program Integrating Herbal Medicine And Women's Health, With MultiCultural, Hands-On Traditional Healing Practices
The Women's Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Mentorship Program

A professional training program weaving together herbal Medicine, women's health, and multi-cultural, hands-on, traditional healing practices.

The path of the authentic modern-day medicine woman is most aligned with the village wise-woman healer or curandera. The path is powerful. The work requires courage, intensive study, and deep commitment to walk a path uniquely her own.

Her path is YOUR path. She has paved the way for you to step into your calling.

This requires inward reflection, an adventurous spirit, and the desire to be visible and available to help others in your community. It is a path that may lead to distant lands to gain the knowledge you seek.

Her tools include herbal Medicine and knowledge of women's health issues. She is the herbalist, the midwife, the hands-on healer, the one to seek for healing of the spirit. She is many versions of the feminine healer helper archetype, all rolled into one. Her work has no division; her skill sets work seamlessly together.

You can seek her help for problems in all phases of your life.  She is versed in hormones and menstrual cycle wisdom and is helpful to young women with period problems and those trying to become pregnant. She has tools for help during pregnancy and after your babies are born. And later on into perimenopause.

She will help you navigate life-cycle changes and share with you the power of connection to the feminine energies as you get older. She will give you herbs and wise counsel as your move into perimenopause and

She will teach you to care for yourself in the 4 major life cycles women experience. While she has skills to help pain in the physical body using colorful jars of herbs and fresh healing plants, when needed, she has hands-on skills that she has learned from studying in other cultures and other lands. You can count on her in times of emotional and spiritual crisis. She burns aromatic plants and uses her drum, song, and prayer to heal. At times she is mystical, other times very practical. She is wise counsel to those who seek her during times of need.

She is powerful and will remind you that you are powerful too. 
She is YOU, and you are HER. Welcome home to your healing traditions.
The World Needs YOUR Authentic Healing Skills More Than Ever!

This path is for you if...

  • ​You dream of working with plants in a deeper, more culturally diverse way but don't have access to that world.
  • You have always been touched by the healing traditions that have remained intact in other cultures, like Mexico and Latin America.
  • ​You long to be part of a healing tradition that seems lost, but deep down inside, you can feel it isn't.
  • ​Perhaps you've read a book that broke this longing wide open… (maybe even Sastun, by Rosita Arvigo) that made you think, that's it! I need to quit my job and move to the jungle of South America if I am going to learn anything! And then looked at the truth of your life and realized that dream doesn't work in the real world for you?
  • ​You want to find the connection that will bring you into a world of authentic traditional healing practices for women's health and working with traditional healers, but you need help finding the key to this door.

First, you need a guide.

You need someone who has walked this road before you to show you the way. Without an experienced guide, it feels like this dream is virtually impossible…

I am here to tell you that it is possible. That YES, this is a viable dream. And that because I have been where you are and longed for what you are seeking, I know the steps to take to make it happen in your world.

As I said, I've been there. I had the same longing you have. And I found my way right into the center of what I was dreaming of.

I know you didn't land here by accident. You didn't wake up one day and decide to walk this medicine path.

You didn't choose this path. This path CHOSE YOU.

I know because that is what happened to me many years ago…

Many people dream of studying traditional healing and working closely with a traditional healer…

For most, this stays in the realm of the dream.

This happens because this is challenging to do.

Working with traditional healing practices is tricky. It's even tougher finding someone able and willing to teach you!

It's hard to navigate the obstacles that would bring you into the traditional healer's world.

You can't just go knock on the village 'curandera' or medicine woman's door and ask her to teach you. She wouldn't know where to start with you. And you don't speak Maya. There is a good chance that you don't even speak Spanish.

See why I say that it's tricky?

Plus, to unlock the door to the realm of traditional healing and working with traditional healers, you need to have some serious herbal skills of your own first. What I discovered on my journey years ago was that knowledge of the healing plants was the thing that crossed cultures and opened doors. A mutual love of plants and the fact that herbal Medicine is the foundation we all build upon.

My teachers only appeared once I was thoroughly steeped in my herb work.

So, first, we must solve these problems to realize your BIG Medicine dream, right?

We need to find a way to open the door into that other world you long to connect with…

I can't solve the language problem, but if you are serious about this work, you should learn Spanish. I can tell you later how I pulled that off and now speak Spanish fluently. It took 5 years! It was a commitment that paid off.

Right out of the gate, I can solve The two biggest problems for you 

(1) The Must-Know Herbal Medicine Problem:  

I can teach you the foundations of western herbal Medicine, medicine making, and all the advanced skills you need to work as an herbalist in your community. This will give you the language of the plants you need to have in common with the traditional healers. It is almost impossible for them to teach beginners.

(2) And The Knocking on the Door Asking To Be Taught Traditional Healing Practices (Impossible To Solve On Your Own) Problem:

I am the teacher and guide that can bring you to these medicine traditions. I am from your world and can help you bridge that gap and get you through the impossible-to-open-on-your-own door. It took me many years and dozens of trips to Mexico to have those doors open for me.  

I have spent the last 30 years working as an herbalist in my community, working 1:1 with clients, gathering wild plants and making medicines, and teaching classes on local plants. When not doing that, I was always working side by side with my Yucateco Maya teachers in Mexico. They trained me, and now I'm part of the family.


So, let's bring your dream to life!

Grab your medicine basket as we gather the tools you need to do this healing work in the modern world.

Together we will gather the tools you need to succeed

  • YOU Will Learn Traditional Healing Practices and Spiritual Healing With Plants SO YOU CAN…tap into a cross-culturally diverse system of Medicine that honors tradition and heals the spirit using plants, song, and Earth-centered prayer to hold a safe container for radical change.
  • YOU Will Study and Learn Herbal Medicine, Materia Medica, and Medicine Making SO YOU CAN… create an abundant herbal pharmacy filled with vibrant plant medicines and know how to properly dispense them to clients and members of your community.
  • ​​YOU Will Steep Yourself in Herbal Healing for Women and Train as an Herbalist Specializing in Women's Health SO YOU CAN…solve common problems women encounter in the 4 "portals" or stages of life as you nourish those who need healing and begin to understand women's health issues and treatment strategies using herbs and your traditional healing practices skill set. 
  • ​Travel to The Yucatan, Mexico, for Immersive and Experiential Study in Maya Ethnobotanical Healing Practices SO YOU, CAN…BE the real deal, absorb the hands-on healing techniques for women's health currently used today, share stories of adventure and new cultural perspectives on health, and draw upon the wisdom of an authentic lineage of healers that have come before you.
  • Be Mentored: SO YOU CAN…do the inner work to get free of perfectionism and self-doubt, do the outer work to develop your own style, message, and brand, and put it all into action, which will allow you to be uniquely your own and stand out from others in your field.
  • Carry the Message and Work with Others. Be of Service in Your Community SO YOU CAN…be visible as the go-to resource for consultations, classes, herbal products, and wisdom teaching in all topics related to herbal Medicine and women's health. You will make a living doing what you love.

Each skill set and the method to master them is already clearly laid out and ready for you. 

These tools are within your reach. 

They are tangible and practical and super fun to learn. 

They are also mystical and connect you to the realm of the spirit.

Together We Will Gather The Tools You Need To Succeed:

  • YOU Will Learn Traditional Healing Practices and Spiritual Healing With Plants SO YOU CAN…tap into a cross-culturally diverse system of Medicine that honors tradition and heals the spirit using plants, song, and Earth-centered prayer to hold a safe container for radical change.
  • YOU Will Study and Learn Herbal Medicine, Materia Medica, and Medicine Making SO YOU CAN… create an abundant herbal pharmacy filled with vibrant plant medicines and know how to properly dispense them to clients and members of your community.
  • ​​YOU Will Steep Yourself in Herbal Healing for Women and Train as an Herbalist Specializing in Women's Health SO YOU CAN…solve common problems women encounter in the 4 "portals" or stages of life as you nourish those who need healing and begin to understand women's health issues and treatment strategies using herbs and your traditional healing practices skill set. 
  • ​Travel to The Yucatan, Mexico, for Immersive and Experiential Study in Maya Ethnobotanical Healing Practices SO YOU, CAN…BE the real deal, absorb the hands-on healing techniques for women's health currently used today, share stories of adventure and new cultural perspectives on health, and draw upon the wisdom of an authentic lineage of healers that have come before you.
  • Be Mentored: SO YOU CAN…do the inner work to get free of perfectionism and self-doubt, do the outer work to develop your own style, message, and brand, and put it all into action, which will allow you to be uniquely your own and stand out from others in your field.
  • Carry the Message and Work with Others. Be of Service in Your Community SO YOU CAN…be visible as the go-to resource for consultations, classes, herbal products, and wisdom teaching in all topics related to herbal Medicine and women's health. You will make a living doing what you love.

Each skill set and the method to master them is already clearly laid out and ready for you. These tools are within your reach. They are tangible and practical and super fun to learn. They are also mystical and connect you to the realm of the spirit.

Together we will journey deep into the heart of women's multi-cultural healing traditions as we gather the gems of herbal Medicine, women's health studies, and the feminine-centered healing traditions of the Yucateco Maya people. It doesn't get better than that!

Why the focus on Women's Health? 

I can give you a list a mile long, but I'll keep it to a few helpful facts:

  • Most clients you will see as herbalists doing herb and traditional healing work will be women.
  • ​They will have all kinds of issues, and everything that goes on with a woman falls under the umbrella of women's health. This ranges from painful periods and hormonal balance issues to anxiety and sleep issues.
  • ​ The traditions and traditional healing practices are held in the hands of the 'parteras' or midwives in other cultures, so we must have a foundation in the work they do.
  • ​ Specializing in women's health will give you an edge as an herbalist. Trust me on this one. I have been doing this successfully for 30 years. You become an expert on the topics you are drawn to. And there will always be a long line of women needing your help.
  • ​ The medical model has a very small toolbox to draw solutions. If it seems like the pill is their answer to everything, it is. But you, on the other hand, will have vast knowledge to draw from to help solve problems.

What I am offering...

The First Comprehensive Program Integrating Herbal Medicine And Women's Health with Multi-Cultural, Hands-On Traditional Healing Practices.

Who Is This for...

  • Women who dream of working with plants in a deeper, more culturally diverse way but don't have access to that world.
  • ​You feel called by the healing traditions that have remained intact in other cultures, like in Mexico and Latin America, where herbal Medicine and hands-on healing techniques used by traditional healers are seamlessly woven together.
  • ​You know that in many traditions, the village healer or curandera has many tools. She is the herbalist, the midwife, and the hands-on healer, all rolled into one. There is no division. The skill sets work together.

~ Bringing two training paths together ~

~ Weaving Three Key Pieces together into ONE comprehensive mentorship training ~

~ Integrating the BIG 3 ~

How The Women's Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Mentorship Program Works:

Professional Practice Under the Umbrella of Herbal Medicine and Traditional Healing Practices

This Program is designed to train you as an herbalist specializing in women's health by integrating the hands-on womb positioning technique called Maya Uterine Massage. It is taught under the umbrella of an herbalist
trained in traditional healing practices with an experiential understanding of the cultural context in which these techniques are currently practiced.  

It is the only Program that combines the study of women's health, herbal medicine, and traditional healing
techniques. It provides the "set-you apart" cultural immersion to anchor you to the teachings and the lineage of the teachers that came before you.  

More than one path leads to the learning and techniques you seek.

Until now, this learning required you to walk two parallel paths to get where you want to be. There is more than one path to learning both Maya Abdominal Massage techniques AND Herbal Medicine for Women's Health.

That path is it is with me.

It is a path that brings both modalities together.  Students always ask me why there isn't a single course of study that brings these two together. The answer is straightforward as to why herbal Medicine and Maya abdominal massage are not taught in single women's health training program. To understand why this is so important, we need to look at what leads to a split in how women gather these skills.

The simple answer is that no professional-level training program has brought the two together until NOW. The Women's Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Program is the solution.

The Women's Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Program is designed to teach you BOTH skill sets—herbal medicine and hands-on healing practices—so you don’t have to choose between them. This program is the result of 30 years of clinical practice and thousands of client sessions.

Up until now, if you wanted to master both disciplines, you would have had to follow two separate professional training paths and later find a way to combine them on your own. My goal is to bring these modalities together, ensuring that practitioners are fully equipped to help women dealing with common reproductive health challenges.

Why Learning One Without the Other Leaves Gaps

  • #1: The Challenge of Learning Maya Abdominal Massage Without Herbal Medicine - Many of my students have trained in Maya Abdominal Massage, a highly effective technique for supporting reproductive and digestive health. Traditionally, professional-level training in this method has been limited to licensed healthcare professionals—such as massage therapists, nurses, or physical therapists—who are already “licensed to touch.”
  • In the U.S., this technique has primarily been taught as an adjunct skill for bodywork professionals.
  • ​If your focus is herbal medicine and women’s health, rather than hands-on bodywork, you may not have access to professional-level training in this method.
  • This presents a challenge for herbalists who also want to learn traditional techniques to support womb health.

What if your primary focus is herbal medicine, yet you still want to understand and apply the physical component of healing—like repositioning the womb? You’ll find that a professional-level program integrating both does not currently exist.

Over the years, I’ve observed a key challenge: Holistic healing requires both knowledge and skill, yet herbal medicine and hands-on healing have remained separate disciplines. Each is a complete practice in its own right, demanding dedicated study to be used effectively.

Practitioners trained in bodywork techniques may try to incorporate herbal remedies without a deep understanding of how to use them safely and effectively. Similarly, herbalists without hands-on training may lack the tools to address structural imbalances like uterine misalignment or pelvic congestion, which herbs alone cannot correct.

True holistic healing means working with both the body and plant medicine—understanding when hands are needed and when herbs are the answer. As a practicing Clinical Herbalist, I know firsthand what herbs can and cannot do, when they are appropriate, and how they must be used within the right context. This program ensures that students gain deep expertise in herbal medicine, rather than just a surface-level understanding, while also exploring the hands-on healing techniques essential to women’s health.

  • #2: The Challenge of Studying Herbal Medicine Without Hands-On Techniques - For those focused on herbal medicine for women’s health, there are outstanding programs available. For example, Aviva Romm’s program is an excellent resource that I often recommend as an adjunct study.
  • However, as many traditional healers have pointed out:
    "Herbs don’t have hands. They simply cannot do the work of repositioning the uterus."
  • ​While herbal remedies can provide powerful support for menstrual pain, hormonal balance, and pelvic health, they cannot correct the physical misalignment of the womb or the pelvic congestion that often underlies reproductive health issues.
  • ​This is why women’s health requires an integrative approach—one that addresses both the herbal and structural aspects of healing.

The Women's Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Program: A Different Path

This program is designed for those dedicated to herbal medicine and women’s health who want to be in professional practice—without requiring prior bodywork training.

For 25 years, I’ve trained practitioners like you, and I’ve seen firsthand how herbal medicine and hands-on healing have remained separate paths. Both have outstanding teachers and programs, but none truly integrate the two. This one does.

The mirror issue is a bit different here. As herbalists trained in women's health, we have studied the reproductive system extensively. We understand the underlying issue that led to the presenting problem. But for most of us, the bodywork has not been part of our professional training.

IN MANY PLACES IN THE WORLD, this would never matter. Remember, the village wise-woman or curandera didn't have to be a "licensed to touch" professional to learn how to do these hands-on techniques from her mother or grandmother.

BUT The world we currently live in may require you to have this license. Or it may not, depending on where you live and the focus of your professional practice.

YOU are interested in herbal Medicine and women's health. 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN ME that there are so many women like YOU who love the idea of the fusion of these two fields of study but honestly don't have an interest in being a massage therapist. You don't see yourself doing a 90-minute massage. So deciding if you want to add that training to your work doesn't make sense. It's better to dive into the traditional healing practice of it first and see where it takes you once you have finished a course of serious study.

This all comes down to your role and how you will use these techniques in professional practice. I suggest learning it all together, along with the cultural immersion in the Yucatan and hanging out under the umbrella of being an herbalist specializing in women's health and trained in traditional healing practices, including the hands-on techniques. And later, once you see how these pieces naturally arrange themselves in your heart and your work life, you can make an informed decision about the course of your continuing education. Some of my students have chosen to go to massage school after our training in Mexico because they realized they want to acquire more bodywork skills. For some, time clarifies that adding the bodywork skill set isn't for them.

The Women's Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Program Has A Different Objective And Outcome. It is designed for those focusing on herbal medicine and women's health who want to be in professional practice but DO NOT necessarily have any previous bodywork training.  I know many of you are out there because I have been training you for 25 years. Until now, the two paths I mentioned above have been separate. Both are excellent programs with excellent teachers. But neither program integrates both.

My professional 1:1 client work and teaching over the last 30 years have ALWAYS been a combination of both. 30 years of clinical work integrating both modalities gave birth to The Women's Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Program.

I Have A Clear & Purposeful System For Teaching You Both

  • A Complete System Of Training In Western Herbal Medicine From Beginning To Advanced
  • ​Training & Wisdom Teachings In Traditional Healing Practices And Spiritual Healing With Plants
  • ​Specific Instruction And Mentorship In Women's Health Issues And How To Create Feminine-Centered "Solution Sets" Using Herbal Medicine, Knowledge Of The Hormones And The Menstrual Cycle With Traditional Maya Medicine Hands-On Healing Practices.
  • ​Cultural Immersion Into The World Of Maya Medicine In The Yucatan, Including Hands-On Training In Maya Abdominal Massage As It Is Currently Practiced In The Yucatan By Traditional Healers Today.  
  • ​1:1 Private Mentorship With Shelley – Access To Me As Your Guide And Teacher Over The 12 Months Of Study.
  • ​Successful completion of the Program leads to 2 Certificates of Completion.

Working Closely With Me

  • 1:1 Onboarding/Getting Rooted Call with Shelley
  • ​Monthly Q & A Zoom Gatherings
  • ​Voxer Access to Shelley for quick Q & A
  • ​10 Core Online Teaching Modules {contain 9-12 lessons per module).

Here's What You'll Learn...

Module 1: Awakening Your Inner Medicine Woman

You begin by steeping yourself in the most essential Earth-Centered, Feminine-Centered, self-care skills you need as we honor and remember our crosscultural and collective ancestral medicine traditions. This work is designed to connect you to your inner divine feminine by giving you essential tools to fill your medicine basket and root you into women's wisdom ways and teachings.

Module 2: The Spiritual Teachings of the Medicine Plants 

This is your behind-the-scenes immersion into a world where spiritual healing principles and
herbal medicines meet to catalyze a change in YOU. Basil and Humility, Kava and Surrender, Marigolds and Grace, Angelica and Acceptance, Lemon Balm and Compassion, Wild Oats and Freedom, Hawthorn and Courage, Lavender and Loyalty, Rose, and Love, Damiana and Desire.

Module 3: A Wise-Woman's Foundation in Herbal Medicine

A Woman's Foundation in Herbal Medicine, The Traditional Healers Personality, Meet My Western Herbal Medicine Teachers, Herbal Resources, Herbal Booklist, Wise Woman Herbal Know-How, Herbal Preparations Overview, Vocabulary for the Herbalist, Understanding Herbal Safety, Let's Talk Plants! Virtual Herb Walk, Foundational Medicine Making, The Creative Art of Herbal Learning, Materia Medica Study, Beginning Plant ID & Plant Families

Module 4: Understanding & Nourishing The Menstrual Cycle

As you learn the details of the menstrual cycle, you will practice drawing your own womb woman as you develop the wisdom and skills to share how the menstrual cycle works. Learn to identify when something is off and how to provide nourishment that allows the body to bring itself into balance. You will learn herbs that will help you, the practice of "seed cycling," and understand why the feminine body gravitates to the moon's cycles. 

Module 5: Take Your Womb Into Your Own Hands

Learn the step-by-step traditional healing practice of self-care womb massage. These teachings have been passed down to me by my Maya teachers in Mexico and Latin America. Even the best herbalist can't move the womb without these techniques! You will learn how to do daily self-care and move the womb into the correct position while nourishing your being.

Module 6: Learning the Plants

Dandelion, Nettles, Thyme, Catnip, Garden Sage. Medicine Making
Review: Herbal Vinegar Preparations, Valerian, Marigold, Burdock, Angelica, Yellow Dock. Medicine Making Review: Salve Making, Dry Plant Tinctures, Creating Your Own At-Home Herbal Apothecary

Module 6 Continued: Learning the Plants 

Lemon Balm, Calendula, Bee Balm, Mullein, Lavender. Medicine Making Review: Fresh Plant Tinctures, Infused Herbal Oils, Topical Herbal Applications, Echinacea, Elder Flower and Berry, Yarrow, Ginger, Licorice. Medicine Making Review: Syrups, Elixirs & Potions

Module 7: Materia Medica for Women's Health

This in-depth study focuses on the essential herbs you need to know for women's issues. We will look closely at the vocabulary used to describe the actions of herbs for women's health and how to use each of these herbs as a single remedy or as part of a custom formula. We will cover 15+ Women's health favorites, including Vitex, Peony, Motherwort, Black Cohosh.

Module 8: Working with Health Issues Specific to Women Part 1 

Understand what is causing the
most common problems specific to women! We will cover each women's health issue in detail. We will draw upon our understanding of how the menstrual cycle works and our materia medica knowledge as we learn to treat problems ranging from irregular menstruation to more complex Women's health issues like PCOS, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and more.

Module 9: Health Issues Specific to Women Part 2

 We will draw upon our understanding of how the menstrual cycle works and our materia medica knowledge as we learn to treat problems ranging from irregular menstruation to more complex Women's health issues like PCOS, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, sexually transmitted infections, irregular paps and more.

Module 10: Advanced Teachings 

Advanced Medicine Making: Percolation Method Tincture Making, Echinacea
Mucopolysaccharide Extract + Advanced Teachings for Herbalists: How to Put Together "Solution Sets" and Herbal Protocols, Creating an Herbal Tincture Formula, Dispensing Herbal Products to Your Clients, Teaching Herbal Medicine in Your Community, How to Follow a Detailed Intake Process, Counseling skills for the Herbalist.


- Dia de Los Muertos: Healing Traditions of the Yucatan

- La Tallada Maya Y Tipte: Maya Medicine for Women *Special Session*

Final Review & Certificates of Completion

Homework, Projects, and Certificates of Completion
  • Certificate of Completion for The Women's Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Program - When you complete all assignments and homework for this program, you will receive a Certificate of Completion that will show the world that you are TRAINED and knowledgeable in this field.
  • ​Certificate of Completion for The Community Herbalist Certificate Program - To truly be of service and work to troubleshoot women's health issues, you need solid training as an herbalist. The Women's Program follows the herbal curriculum of the Community Herbalist Program, turning you into an herbalist along the way.

This course is for you, IF…you want all three skill sets and want to learn from an expert teacher with 30 years of clinical experience combining Herbal Medicine, Women’s Health and The Hands-On Traditional Healing Technique of 
Maya Abdominal Massage 

 Here's A Breakdown of The Women’s Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Mentorship Program

  • 1:1 Private Mentorship with Shelley – Access to me as your guide and teacher over the 12 months of study. ($1475)
  • ​10 Core Online Teaching Modules {contain 9-12 lessons per module) Including seasonal bonuses ($3997)
  • ​PDF resource documents for each lesson
  • ​Homework to Keep you on track
  • ​Recipes for each herb we cover
  • Access to The Artemisia & Rue Women's Community with access to our Private FB Group for Teachings and Q & A. Truly a wisdom circle of kindred spirits. ($247)
  • ​Monthly Zoom Calls with Module Teachings ($997)
  • ​Awakening Your Inner Medicine Woman Teachings: ($1497)
  • ​The Spiritual Teachings of the Medicine ($1997)
  • ​Learning the Plants: Materia Medica Parts 1-4 ($1997)
  • Materia Medica for Women’s Health: ($1497)
  • ​Working with Health Issues Specific to Women Part 1 & 2: ($1997)
  • ​Advanced Teachings for Herbalists: ($2997)
  • ​Advanced Medicine Making ($497)
  • ​A certificate of completion for both the Women’s Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Program and The Community Herbalist Program 
  • 1:1 Private Mentorship with Shelley – Access to me as your guide and teacher over the 12 months of study. ($1475)
  • ​ 10 Core Online Teaching Modules {contain 9-12 lessons per module) Including seasonal bonuses ($3997)
  • ​PDF resource documents for each lesson
  • ​Homework to Keep you on track
  • ​Recipes for each herb we cover
  • ​Access to The Artemisia & Rue Women's Community with access to our Private FB Group for Teachings and Q & A. Truly a wisdom circle of kindred spirits. ($247)
  • ​​Monthly Zoom Calls with Module Teachings ($997)
  • ​​Awakening Your Inner Medicine Woman Teachings: ($1497)
  • ​​The Spiritual Teachings of the Medicine ($1997 )
  • ​Learning the Plants: Materia Medica Parts 1-4 ($1997 )
  • ​​Materia Medica for Women’s Health: ($1497)
  • ​Working with Health Issues Specific to Women Part 1 & 2: ($1997)
  • ​​Advanced Teachings for Herbalists: ($2997)
  • ​​Advanced Medicine Making ($497)
  • ​​A certificate of completion for both the Women’s Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Program and The Community Herbalist Program 

Here's What You'll Experience Inside The Women's Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Mentorship Program

Learn Traditional Healing Practices and Spiritual Healing With Plants


tap into a cross-culturally diverse system of medicine that honors tradition and heals the spirit using plants, song, and Earth-centered prayer to hold a safe container for radical change.

Study and Learn Herbal Medicine, Materia Medica, and Medicine Making 


create an abundant herbal pharmacy filled with vibrant plant medicines and know how to properly dispense
them to clients and members of your community.

Steep you in Herbal Healing for Women and Get You Trained as an Herbalist Specializing in Women’s Health 


solve common problems women encounter in the 4 major life cycles, nourish those who need healing, and understand women’s health issues and treatment strategies using herbs and your traditional healing practices skill set.

Travel to The Yucatan, Mexico, for Immersive and Experiential Study in Maya Ethnobotanical Healing Practices 


BE the real deal, share stories of adventure and new cultural perspectives on health, and draw upon the wisdom of an authentic lineage of healers that have come before you.

Be Mentored By Shelley


do the inner work to get free of perfectionism and self-doubt, do the outer work to develop your own style, message, and brand, and put it all into action, which will allow you to be uniquely your own and stand out from others in your field.

Carry the Message and Work with Others. Be of Service in Your Community 


be visible as the go-to resource person for consultations, classes, herbal products, and wisdom teaching in all topics related to herbal medicine and women’s health and make a living doing what you love.

I am here to share significant wisdom teachings, concrete tools in herbal medicine, traditional healing
practices, spiritual healing with plants, and how to work with yourself and others.

We will weave together your “body of work- that works.” I will help fill your cup with what you need to be successful in this world.

I will challenge you to grow through practical to-dos, so you have the skills and confidence to succeed in this world.

We will Awaken the Medicine Woman in YOU.

 The Women’s Herbal & Ethnobotanical Studies Mentorship Program

Pay-In-Full: $5997 USD


12 Payments of $600 USD

BONUS: Registration Priority AND Special Discount for 2025 Mexico Immersions, Workshops and Retreats [Amazing things are coming! We are in the planning stage and you will be the first to know! Dates & details TBA] ✨

PLUS you'll receive 6 Additional BONUS programs

  • Bonus: Traditional Healing Practices for Women ($497)
  • Bonus: Aromatherapy for Everyone Course: ($397)
  • Bonus: Activate the Feminine Extras: Traditional Healing Gems Passed Down Through Storytelling ($297)
  • ​Bonus: Herstory: Temple of Ix Chel in Mexico & Hagar Qiim Island of Malta ($97)
  • Bonus: Herbal E-Book Bonuses: Luscious Lotions & Fabulous Creams, Oxymels & Fire Cider, and More
  • Bonus: Herbal Holiday Gifts ($197 each)

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