Original Price: $1997 USD
On Sale Today For Only $997 USD!

Original Price: $1997 USD
On Sale Today For Only $997 USD!

Don’t miss your calling! Follow your dream to bring herbal wisdom and healing traditions to your community!
Essential Herbalism Foundations Program

For Plant lovers who have a strong desire for greater knowledge and self-SUFFICIENCY 
when it comes to taking care of yourself and your family. 

The role of today's Community Herbalist is to integrate modern clinical uses of plant remedies with the time honored, and earth-centered traditional healing practices that sustain and nourish us deeply.  

We are blessed to bring healing wisdom into a world that needs what we have to offer. As life unfolds, your knowledge of local plants and your ability to help will be in high demand. 

My experience is that we get "called" to study herbal medicine. And today more than ever, there is a potent and pressing desire to be self-sufficient when it comes to taking care of yourself and your family. 

Knowing the plants, being able to make your own medicines and understanding how to safely use herbal medicine is vital. It comes down to successfully being able to put these practices into action!

Dear Plant Lover,
This is your chance to transform your passion for herbs into healing wisdom you can put to use immediately. 

THIS program is for you if you have a love of plants and a desire to be of service to those around you. All that is required is a deep curiosity for all things herbal and aromatic. This is for students seeking to learn from an experienced herbal teacher with a deeply-rooted connection to the earth and her medicines.

The Essential Herbalism Foundations Program is open to those who are just starting or folks who are already steeped in plant know-how. This Program is for you if you have a longing and desire to deepen your herbal wisdom.

The Essential Herbalism Foundations Program is an ideal place to plant yourself. I have been doing this work for 24 years, and I feel blessed to have spent my life dedicated to this work. The teachings that you will receive from me represent a body of work that is uniquely mine, made up of years of client-centered insight, thousands of client tincture formulas, and real-world experiences that are practical, healing, and credible.

The study of herbal medicine is a life-long pursuit. All of my colleagues that offer what I consider to be excellent herbal studies programs have studied with more than one teacher. Most of us have had primary teachers- both in the US and in other countries. We have had years and years of experience working with plants and people. 

My point is this- it is to remind you that you can study with me NOW and with others later.

That is how it works! 

  • As a society, we are no longer simply looking for solutions to health problems; we are seeking natural, earth-centered tools for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. The integration of these elements is why students continue to choose my program. 
  • ​I weave traditional healing practices learned in Mexico and Latin America into local “bio-regional” herbalism, giving you the best skills of Western Herbal Medicine combined with the earth-centered traditional healing of the Maya culture. It is the gem that sets my work apart from other teachers. 
  • ​I have spent 25+ years working 1:1 with clients. Very few teachers in this field have this level of experience and expertise.
  • This program is fun, informative with tons of every day practical application. It is filled with captivating, real-life storytelling about adventures out picking plants and medicines. You will feel immersed in the medicines of the plants and have concrete know-how that you can put to use after each lesson. 
  • ​Now is your chance if you have been waiting to study with ME but could not swing the time commitment of weekly in-person classes over the course of a year. There is breathing room to work at your own pace and within the framework of the demands of your life. 
  • ​A Word of Wisdom:  There are less expensive programs out there and you get what you pay for. With this Program you will be interacting with me as your teacher and mentor.  My goal is to provide quality at a price that is fair for you and for me. 
  • ​ I share valuable teachings that come from my personal journey. I am not hiding behind a computer screen. My style is open, honest, personal and engaging. I encourage students to respect me as a teacher but to see me as a real person.
  • As they say, life is short. Go towards what is ripe inside of you. Don't miss following your love of healing plants and the spirit-nourishing elements that can only be felt as a direct result of reconnecting with nature. May your path be filled with flowers, and may blessings be upon YOU!  
  • ​​It seems that we have lost the art of self-care and self-knowledge and how to use plants to heal. Regaining the freedom to take care of ourselves properly is our right; it is not a privilege. Being self-reliant when it comes to handling daily health issues is critical and empowering. 
  • ​Many students come from helping professions that no longer nourish them. They are physical therapists, social workers, massage therapists, pharmacists. They join my program, heal from years of working in a world that lacks a healing philosophy. They reclaim their love of being of service to others and recover from a system that sucked the life out of them. They join because they are seeking change. And that is what they get. A new sense of purpose in their life and a sense of personal renewal!
  • Other students come from corporate America, and we know what that feels like right? Good "healthcare" benefits but nothing that promotes or leads to good health. They feel drained rather than excited. They can't wait to get home to their gardens.
  • ​Being part of a learning circle focused on herbs and traditional healing practices will change your life. You will learn herbal medicine, heal yourself, and come out feeling whole and supercharged. You will feel part-of rather than alone. Plants connect people to the earth, to each other, and bring you home to yourself.  

About the History of Herbal Medicine in the United States
The US is one of the only countries in the world that has systematically worked to totally abolish healing traditions that are centered around plants. "The Flexner Report of 1910 transformed the nature and process of medical education in America with a resulting elimination of proprietary schools and the establishment of the biomedical model as the gold standard of medical training." This led to a complete change in how medicine was legally practiced and the closure of the Eclectic Medical Colleges that taught standard practice medicine and botanical medicine together. It was the lopping off of the branch of holistic medicine in the United States. The last medical school that focused on botanical medicine as part of it's primary curriculum closed in Cincinnati in 1939. We have a very unique situation in the US. We have what I call "collective amnesia". People are just discovering that herbal medicine has always been woven into the medical model in most countries around the world. Europe is a prime example. 

Do You Desire...

  • To feel empowered and secure in your self-care skills and have an herbal pharmacy and garden at home.
  • Maybe you dream of someday totally changing careers. You know...you could be an Herbalist! 
  • ​ If you feel a deep longing to connect to the earth and feel called to steer your life in a different direction. 
  • ​The time is now! Our knowledge and work are now being respected by the medical model. Herbalists hold wisdom about plants that doctors are wanting and needing to know. 
  • To be helpful, to be of service. To have your hands in the dirt. To know all the plants growing around you and how to make medicines.  
  • ​If you are ready for a transformation of who you have been into who you are meant to be.

Times Are Changing...

An Unsustainable Healthcare System 
People will continue to augment their healthcare with effective, time-honored remedies to strengthen themselves and become their own first line of defense for preventative care and acute care. Over time more of us are going to lose affordable access to medical care. Take a look around. We are in a total transition. What will health insurance even look like in 2021 and further out into the future?

Self-sufficiency Will Be The Key to Feeling Safe. Making your own medicines, growing healing gardens and, being surrounded by medicinal plants will continue to be critical. Self-care know-how for yourself, your family and your community will be in high demand. Health insurance and access to medical care may continue to diminish. After 25 years of working as an herbalist in my community, I can say that my work is woven into what folks have come to rely on, seeking the herbal remedies I make, the classes and, consultations I offer. 

True Holistic Solutions
As a society, we are no longer simply looking for solutions to health problems; we are seeking natural, earth-centered tools for physical, emotional, and, spiritual healing. Simple things seem to be better handled with herbs...fear, mood and nervous system issues.

Don’t miss your calling! Follow your dream to bring herbal wisdom and healing traditions to your community!

Enjoy the adventure of learning, and before you know it, your knowledge will sprout into experience, and your experience will root into wisdom.   And down the road you will proudly call yourself a trained Community Herbalist!  Like The Saying Goes, Be The Change You Seek In The World.  Trust The Earth. Make Her Medicines.   Carry A Message Of Experience, Strength And Hope Into A World That Needs It.

It continues to be an honor watching peoples lives change and grow. I have witnessed a total transformation in my community over the many years. I am proud to see all the herbal teachers and practitioners that have blossomed and taken root. And to know that I have had a hand in sprinkling the seeds by sharing my knowledge 
and love of healing plants. 
This delights my spirit and warms my heart.
~ Shelley Torgove, Clinical Herbalist

A success story: The unfulfilled pharmacist Blossomed into an Herbalist

Two summers ago, I taught a class at the local botanic gardens. A lovely woman came up to me afterward to tell me how my stories made her cry, mostly tears of joy. And about how my joke of herbalists needing to taste and try everything we make is encouraged- unlike in pharmacy school where the drugs are dangerous and have a long list of side effects. And she kept repeating to me… "and to think that this is where “modern” medicine came from.” She fell in love with a new career dream after spending time with me, went through my Essential Herbalism Foundations Program, and later finished my Women’s Herbal Program. During her time in my Programs, she went on to do the thing that she wanted yet feared most in the middle of it all. Having a baby and becoming a new mom. Through the teachings I shared, she learned to care for herself and her family which carried through to her pregnancy, birth, and caring for her now 2-year-old child. She must have given me 50 thank you cards over the two years we were together. She always recounted the beautiful and life-changing day she decided to sign up for a class about Botanical Medicine and how it totally changed the unfolding of her life. It changed her career path (of working at CVS as a pharmacist and hating it) to becoming a Community Herbalist specializing in women’s health. She delighted in making and dispensing her own medicines, like pharmacists did in the past. It filled her with a sense of “rebellious pride,” knowing she had indeed returned to the roots of the good old-fashioned pharmacy practice. A life changed, a career blossomed!

Hello dear plant lover!  join me on this herbal and aromatic adventure. 

~ If this has been a dream long in the making or a spontaneous, powerful knowing NOW is the time for you to learn. 

~ Jump in and join me on this herbal medicine adventure!

~ As you progress, you will find your own unique herbal product niche, sharing or teaching niche, and helping others niche. 

Intensive & Fun herbal study that will Give you the tools to take care of yourself and your family with confidence and trust  

Learning + Knowledge + experience with plants + Medicine making = 
Confidence & Trust In your herbal skills to care for Yourself, Family & Friends

Sound familiar?

~ Do You Own A Stack Of Herb Books But Can't Find The Time To Read Them?

~ Tried To Learn On Your Own But Couldn't Quite Pull It Off?

~ Taken An Herbal Medicine Course But Not Completed It?

~ Feel Like You've Been Waiting Forever For The Right Program To Come Along?


Essential Herbalism Foundations Program
{Online Teaching for Herbal Learning & Fun!} 

This Is A Time-Tested Course That Takes Beginning Students Through The Key Elements Of Learning And The Development Of Skills Necessary To Know the plants and be able to help yourself and those around you. 

This herbal training course is focused on materia medica 
and medicine making- the two key areas needed to understand how plants work in the body and how to turn the knowledge of the plants into medicines you can use everyday. 

Take a deep dive into the study of 20 of our most important and easily accessed medicinal plants. Plants will be taught according to the traditional “materia medica” format: common name, Latin name, part used, the best method of preparation, specific indications and usages, dosage parameters and safety issues, and contraindications. We will also look at how to source both fresh plant material and dry plants for making medicines. We will cover beginning botanical identification and understanding plant families plus all major medicine making techniques. 

What's Included?
  •  1:1 Onboarding/Getting Rooted Call with Shelley
  • ​Monthly Q & A Zoom Gatherings
  • ​Voxer Access to Shelley for quick Q & A
  • ​5 Modules with 6 Lessons each, plus 3 FREE Bonus modules to round out your training!
  • ​PDF documents for each lesson
  • ​Recipes for each herb we cover
  • ​Quizzes to keep you on track
  • ​The completion of your own Materia Medica notebook
  • ​Tons of fun storytelling of herbal adventure and fun that will connect you deeply to the plants!

Learn to use every day and easily accessible herbs and medicine making techniques to take care of you and your family following traditional herbal teachings that have been passed down for generations. Most of our great-grandmothers knew much of the information I will teach you, consider this the teaching from your grandmother that you never had! 

This online herbal training will plant you firmly on your herbal path. You will have the confidence and know-how to prepare and use the plant remedies that are most important for you and your family. 

Do not wait any longer to follow your dream of learning herbal medicine. The time is NOW and, the information  is HERE. So let’s get studying, and let’s start looking at what is GROWING all around you! This program is available at this price for a limited time. 

On Sale Now For Only  $997 USD (Pay-In-Full)

PLUS you'll receive 5 BONUSES  included with your Program: 

 3 BONUS programs : 

  • Bonus: Let's Talk Plants
  • Bonus: Luscious Lotions and Fabulous Creams
  • Bonus: Herbal Holiday Gifts


  • Facebook Group: "All Things Herbal" with Shelley Torgove, Clinical Herbalist
  • Bonus: Registration Priority AND Special Discount for 2025 Mexico Immersions, Workshops and Retreats [Amazing things are coming! We are in the planning stage and you will be the first to know! Dates & details TBA]

What Actual Students Say...

It is a true blessing to get to steep yourself in herbal wisdom! 

It is like taking a nice warm bath in a tub full of Chamomile tea. Always a win. 
Gathering this knowledge is a gift you are giving yourself. You will immediately begin putting to use what you learn. 

{But beware (in a good way) that when you announce to the world that you are studying herbal medicine people begin lining up looking for help.} 
Enjoy the adventure of learning, and before you know it, your knowledge will sprout into experience, and with time your experience will root into wisdom. 

Hugs & Healing Plants,
Shelley Torgove, Clinical Herbalist

On Sale Now For Only  $997 USD (Pay-In-Full)

PLUS you'll receive 5 BONUSES  included with your Program: 

 3 BONUS programs : 

  • Bonus: Let's Talk Plants
  • Bonus: Luscious Lotions and Fabulous Creams
  • Bonus: Herbal Holiday Gifts


  • Facebook Group: "All Things Herbal" with Shelley Torgove, Clinical Herbalist
  • Bonus: Registration Priority AND Special Discount for 2025 Mexico Immersions, Workshops and Retreats [Amazing things are coming! We are in the planning stage and you will be the first to know! Dates & details TBA]

Listen & Learn From Other Students...

Catharine McCord

Melana Meyer

Dani Otteson

Monticue Connally

Chrissy Manes

Sondra Hamilton


Why study with me?
The Essential Herbalism Foundations Program is an ideal place to plant yourself. I have been doing this work for 25+ years, and I feel blessed to have spent my life dedicated to this work. The teachings that you will receive from me represent a body of work that is uniquely mine, made up of years of client-centered insight, thousands of client tincture formulas, and real-world experiences that 
are practical, healing, and credible. And I am committed to your success. I love the growth!
Can I switch over to the Certification Program along the way? 
Knowing in advance that there will be students who start this for fun and quickly realize they have found their calling, I have created a couple of different points along the way this change can be made. I believe that most of you already know where you fall in this herbal learning adventure. If you want to work professionally with others, start in the Certification Program, if not, you are in the perfect place right here! 
What if I don't have a garden and access to fresh plants?
You will find that when you commit to studying herbal medicine, plants show up in your life. A friend offers a garden space that needs tending, or you learn to grow as many herbs as you can in pots. Wild gardens in wild places will open to you once you learn the plants that grow around you. I will connect you with the resources you need for fresh and dried herbs for your  medicine making adventures! 
How much time do I need to dedicate each week to my herbal studies?
From surveying my current student group, I have found that you can study as little as 2 hours a week or as much as 2 hours a day. What you put into your studies is what you will get out of this program. Even the busiest people find time to do what they truly love- time expands to make 
room for your growth and development as an herbalist. {A little word of wisdom: Don’t let those plant-filled pages pile up!
Oh, and  for the LATIN names- Sticky notes everywhere…that seems to be the trick.}  
How do I develop the trust and confidence needed to work with herbs and work with others?
There is no magic formula to this, but I know that there are a variety of professional skills that you will gain by studying, a certain level of mastery that comes with memorization, and that hard work and repetition make herbal information stick. But the saying that "you cannot give away what you do not have" holds doubly true when it comes to herbs Being an herbalist wraps many skill-sets into one. It's like a tea formula. your skills will get refined over time. 
What will I do if someone's health issues are entirely too complicated for my skill level? 
My answer here is simple. You are an herbalist. Do not take on a role that is not appropriate for
your level of training. I teach that the more complicated a person's health picture, or the more medications a person is taking, the more simple my herbal protocol becomes. It is the "do no harm" model we all seek to follow. With simple, nourishing herbs, it is easy to help those you do not know how to help. And to do so in a safe way.
OK, dear prospective herbalist here is where the rubber meets the road. I can teach you herbal
medicine, that I am sure of. BUT there are two things I cannot do for you.

1. I cannot get you to say yes to your dream or heed your calling.
2. I cannot make you put in the hours needed to accomplish your learning goals and create the life you
want. I can show you how, but I cannot do it for you.

However, I do have a solution for how YOU can handle both issues if they happen to be hurdles for you.

As far as decision making goes, you need to ask yourself a few heart-centered questions. And then you need to trust the answer, not second guess yourself and then move forward decisively. These questions are best asked outdoors if possible, and if not, then in a quiet meditation by simply going inward. 

Do I love the idea of being an herbalist and working with plants enough to commit my whole self to this  endeavor? Better yet, do I trust my own intuitive wisdom that has repeatedly (or for some of you almost magically) brought me to this decision-making moment? 

Hint: every significant move that I have made that has turned me into the woman I am and led me to the work I do has scared me so much that it almost immobilized me OR it excited me so much that I almost couldn't sit still. So being able to hold the paradox of feeling scared AND excited at the same time and being able to say YES is what this is about! 
It is big medicine, and it is a teaching you will truly use.  

Now about motivation. How to keep it rolling when the going gets tough and the hours get long, or the end feels almost out of sight? To me, that is easy. Just do the next right thing. That means following your own intuitive wisdom that is ever-expanding and will teach you to take action. In fact, take contrary action! Did you know that 99% of getting something done is just starting? As my favorite author Elizabeth Gilbert once said, the problem with the perfectionist is not that she won't get it right. She won't even start because fear stops all growth and good things in its tracks. Don't let that happen to you. Just keep going. 

I have created all kinds of cool things in this lifetime- awesome herbal products, multiple retail herbal boutique stores, a super successful private practice, and innovative teaching programs. I've even succeeded at something as far out as taking students to Belize and Mexico to learn from the traditional healers and midwives and made a living doing it- and in three languages- we go back and forth from English to Spanish to Maya. Some would call that crazy. I call it exciting! 

There was no path for me to follow. I was a pioneer. Let me give you a gentle push and say, go for it. You can be and do whatever it is you want to do in this life. And my experience is that having the core skills of being an herbalist and plant person is like drinking a concentrated green drink every morning!  It is a superpower that will take you wherever your heart desires. Herbalists have the power of the plants on their team. Yes, we have a superpower!

My motto is, "it's got to work in Heaven and on Earth." Herb work is just that. It works in both realms for all who put their heart in and dedicate themselves to it.
You will be profoundly rewarded living a creative life of love and service, and you will have fun.
Just do the next right thing…learn herbs!

Hugs & Healing Plants,

On Sale Now For Only  $997 USD (Pay-In-Full)

PLUS you'll receive 5 BONUSES  included with your Program: 

 3 BONUS programs : 

  • Bonus: Let's Talk Plants
  • Bonus: Luscious Lotions and Fabulous Creams
  • Bonus: Herbal Holiday Gifts


  • Facebook Group: "All Things Herbal" with Shelley Torgove, Clinical Herbalist
  • Bonus: Registration Priority AND Special Discount for 2025 Mexico Immersions, Workshops and Retreats [Amazing things are coming! We are in the planning stage and you will be the first to know! Dates & details TBA]

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