A woman who is deeply rooted in her life purpose, grounded in feminine, earth-centered wisdom, who is celebrated and recognized in her field of expertise and is successful in what she creates. 

This woman is YOU. 

Do You Have A Problem With...

  • Lots of training in holistic modalities but never found the right way to bring everything together under one magnetic umbrella that represents a unique body of work- that works in the world.
  • ​Are not truly working with skill sets that inspire you and therefore women are not drawn to you and your work. This creates an energy drain on your ability to carry your message and manifest your vision.
  • ​You are not set apart from others in your field of expertise and not seen as the number 1 go-to source in your field of expertise.
  • ​you lack the confidence to step out boldly and with courage to share your gifts with your community. 90% of this is not having that solid “body of work that works in the world”, leaving you doubtful of your ability to change lives. This happens when we have a whole bunch of great skills but they are not woven together into a tapestry that sets you apart from others. When you are not clear on who you are and what you have to offer, clients and students will not choose you. We have to set you apart.

Together we will weave the unique tapestry of your life and skills into an extraordinary body
of work that sets you apart from others and keeps you firmly rooted in your authentic self and your life’s purpose. 

This course is for you, IF…

  • You are ready to collaborate with a mentor (me), your higher-self and Spirit to bring to life a vision for yourself that is deeply rooted in your life’s purpose. 
  • If you are on the right path with your healing but have not yet been able to combine your skill set into a uniquely holistic body of work that works in the world.
  • You have a clear, intuitive knowing that something is missing that will bring it all together. 
  • Are ready to be a change-maker and a wisdom-carrier and be seen as the go-to person in your field of expertise.
  • ​Want to get unstuck, get moving and do the work to be a leader, to be personally and professionally successful while staying true to yourself.
  • To unlock your hidden gifts and potential and organize your wisdom into something the world needs and wants right now.
  • Desire to live a life of love and service, with the foundation of your work based on spiritual solutions and have a solid connection to a lineage of teachings and teachers that matters.
  • Need help cultivating that deeper level confidence that it takes to let yourself shine and the know-how to put yourself out there in a way that is authentic to you.
  • Willing to follow guidance of a mentor who knows what it takes and a willingness to take contrary action and move out of your comfort zone when needed.
The Women Mentors Who Changed The Course of My Life

I am filled with gratitude for the many excellent women teachers who took me on as their students. I have had teachers that are not mentioned here.

My herb teachers are not mentioned here. Of course, they too contributed to the unfolding of my work. 

Here, I want to tell you about the women who helped bring to life the Medicine Woman in me. Some of them are very well known, and others have quietly gone about their work of helping others. They are all leaders in their field of expertise. Some teach others write. Most have been activists at one time or another. Each of them has dedicated their lives to helping women heal, healing the collective Feminine, raising consciousness and awareness in a meaningful way, working to change the world, and share women’s wisdom. They have been my role models at crucial stages in my life and have taught me and shared with me in ways that forever changed me.

My path is not a linear one, but it is a full and powerful one. I started studying in earnest both women’s spiritual traditions and herbal medicine when I was young; I was 18 and a sophomore in college. Looking back, the seed of Feminine-Centered Wisdom was planted earlier than that. It was planted and watered in my early teenage years.

Here are the women I want to tell you about. Their wisdom and ways have informed who I am and what I pass onto you, my potential students. It is essential to know this because this is how women learn from one another. One woman shares with another over time. And over a lifetime, those influences add up.

Kathy Wells is a psychotherapist who was the first woman to introduce me to the Divine Feminine. When I was in high school, she gathered her daughter, one of my best friends, and started a young women’s wisdom group.
She taught us about the Mother-Goddess and introduced us to the feminist change-makers. She gave us a reading list, including the book by Merlin Stone When God was a Woman. And I read the books! She planted the seed that took. When I look at the girls she gathered in her downtown office way back then, I can see that at least 4 of us chose to heed the calling of learning more and carrying on the teachings.
Nin Bebeau is an amazing woman and was an incredible therapist to me when I was in college and not happy with the path I was following. She was a Jungian trained powerhouse of a therapist who invited me at age 18 to jump into her master’s degree program to audit it so I could learn from her. She was the first woman to introduce me to the Earth-centered ceremonies, women’s circle songs, and magic. She also happened to be
the person who pushed me to seek a solution for a problem I was having using herbs. Well, we all know how that turned out. One encounter with plants and my life was forever changed. I am so grateful that she pulled me into her world and out of mainstream school. She showed me a world that I have never stepped away from.
Chris Smith is an absolute gem of a woman. To this day, I still tell everyone she was one of my most influential mentors. She brought wisdom into the body. She taught me about trauma in women and how to hold a safe
space for the most intense experiences women ever live through. She taught me how to stay the course with women who were hurting and how to keep showing up for them and for myself.
Aviva Gold was the teacher who taught me to teach and how to show up and turn the seams inside out on issues within a group. I spent two years studying with her in upstate New York doing a training called Painting
from the Source. It was basically soul-retrieval work through art. Aviva spotted the tortured perfectionist inside of me immediately. She taught me how to be authentic and not get trapped in the need to look good to others
at the risk of abandoning what is real inside me. She showed me how to lead a circle with strength and how to not be a guarded teacher. She is the best.
Rosita Arvigo you have heard me mention many times. Rosita introduced me to traditional healing practices, shared her techniques of Maya abdominal massage, and taught me pretty much everything I know about how to change uterine position so that women’s reproductive problems have a real chance of righting themselves. She taught me about spiritual healing with plants and opened a world that has carried me to where I am with
my work in the Yucatan today. Rosita taught me to keep going even when the strongest betrayals threatened to knock me down for good. She told me to buckle up, that some things never change and how to be
prepared and resilient as a leader of women.
Donna Chesner is one of my favorite women on the planet and one of the wisest women I know. I met Donna when I was in herb school in 1993 with Michael Moore. Michael’s wife, herbal adventurer, and intellectual equal, which says a lot for those who knew him. I count her as one of my most valuable early mentors, the woman I could go to with my herb questions and client concerns when I was just starting out. She remains that
person to me to this day. When the world looks bleak, she will jump into the stew with me but always brings me back with wise perspective and wisdom that connects me to the natural world. During the darkest times, she has been by my side and has shown me how to ride out adversity with some measure of grace.


Traditional Healing Wisdom for a Feminine, Earth-Centered Healing Practice & Spiritual Life


A woman who is deeply rooted in her life purpose, grounded in feminine, earth-centered wisdom, who is celebrated and recognized in her field of expertise and is successful in what she creates.

This woman is YOU. 

This course is for you, IF…

  • Ready to collaborate with a mentor (me), your higher-self and Spirit to bring to life a vision for yourself that is deeply rooted in your life’s purpose.
  • If you are on the right path with your healing but have not yet been able to combine your skill set into a uniquely holistic body of work that works in the world. 
  • You have a clear, intuitive knowing that something is missing that will bring it all together.
  • ​Are ready to be a change-maker and a wisdom-carrier and be seen as the go-to person in your field of expertise.
  • Want to get unstuck, get moving and do the work to be a leader, to be personally and professionally successful while staying true to yourself.
  • ​To unlock your hidden gifts and potential and organize your wisdom into something the world needs and wants right now. 
  • ​Desire to live a life of love and service, with the foundation of your work based on spiritual solutions and have a solid connection to a lineage of teachings and teachers that matters.
  • ​Need help cultivating that deeper level confidence that it takes to let yourself shine and the know-how to put yourself out there in a way that is authentic to you.
  • ​Willing to follow guidance of a mentor who knows what it takes and a willingness to take contrary action and move out of your comfort zone when needed. 
Dear Awakening Medicine Woman,

Life is a beautiful journey with many trips around the sun, allowing us to become wiser as we get older. It shows us how to step into our power as women, to shed our skin like a snake as we continue to transform. If we listen to our deeper calling and align with our true nature we find ourselves connected with a power greater than ourselves that propels us forward on our path.

When we train to become A Modern-Day Medicine Woman we become a force to be reckoned with, flush with soft power ready to change ourselves and the world around us. We become leaders in our communities in a way that reflects our authentic personal calling. Sometimes our work leads us to shouts from the rooftops to push for change. Often it lights a fire, brews a pot of tea, and shares wisely amongst women.

As we walk this spiral path, we embody each of the three Archetypes of The Modern-Day Medicine Woman. 

First is The Change-Maker, the woman who works to shake up the system. I often refer to her as the rabblerouser. Her power helps us create paradigm shifts and become thought leaders. 

Next, we meet The Shapeshifter. She is the Transformation-Seeker who works tirelessly on her own personal growth and healing, knowing that all genuine change begins on the inside and never stops. There are times in life where we may feel disconnected from this aspect of selves, but we always return home to her. 

This journey ultimately transforms us into The Wisdom Carrier, the Messenger who goes out into the world to carry a message of experience, strength, and hope. When you carry the wisdom teachings, the knowledge of women’s wise ways, you transmit Her-story to those whose lives you touch. With so much to share, why would we ever keep silent?

We walk this path because we are called to go deep. But we are also called be seen by the world. In this way we are doing our part to live a life of love and service and lift up other women so that the traditions remain strong and carried into future generations.

In this lifetime you are called to learn more, be more, and share more. I know you are up to the task, or you wouldn’t have found yourself reading these words.

A mediocre life is not for you.

Imagine How this will change YOU… 

  • Developing a healing practice for yourself and others that is deeply rooted in your life’s purpose. 
  • Collaborating with me as your mentor alongside your higher-self and Spirit to bring to life your work-life vision. 
  • ​To have a magnetic “body of work that works.”
  • Following the calling of Mother-Earth- knowing that you will find that magical missing piece that will
  • To know you have worked hard to be a change-maker and a wisdom-carrier and are now seen as the
  • To be inspired and inspiring to yourself and other women. To have offerings to share with the world that are needed and wanted today, right now!
  • ​To have gotten unstuck, to be leading other women in your own authentic style.
  • ​To be personally and professionally successful while staying true to yourself.
  • ​To be tapped into a lineage of teachings and teachers that nourishes you and to trust that the wisdom that is held there will carry you forward always.
  • ​To be seen. As You want the world to see you. With soft power and confidence, not propelled by ego.
  • ​To act, surrender and move out of your comfort zone as you unfurl the Inner Medicine Woman with wisdom, kindness, and self-love.

I am here to share significant wisdom teachings, concrete tools in herbal medicine, traditional healing practices, spiritual healing with plants, and how to work with yourself and others.

We will weave together your “body of work- that works.” I will help fill your cup with what you need to be successful in this world.

I will challenge you to grow through practical to-dos so you have the skills and confidence to succeed in this world.

We will Awaken the Medicine Woman in YOU. 

What you'll get in our Work together:

Module 1: Awakening Your Inner Medicine Woman

Begin this journey with clear intention. Honor and remember the cross-cultural and collective ancestral medicine traditions that connect you to women's wisdom worldwide. This module is designed to align and connect you to your own divine feminine by giving you the tools to make your own medicine drum, grow your spiritual altar, and fill your personal medicine basket with the tools you need to root into women’s wisdom ways and teachings. We have specific projects and a list of books that you will reference along the way. This is the wake-up call, the awakening begins here! 

Module 2: The Spiritual Teachings of the Medicine Plants

This some of my absolute favorite information to share. Filled to the brim with 10 sessions of powerful plant wisdom teachings paired with 12-step oriented spiritual solutions for how to live a life on life's terms, filled with freedom and ease. Quiet your mind and learn to go with the flow. 

Module 3: A Wise-Woman's Foundation in Herbal Medicine

Everything you need to know to begin working safely with herbs, plus the wise-woman's essential medicine-making skills. (Virtual Herb Walk video, Herbal Preparations Overview and Must-Know Medicine Making including Tea Making, Herbal
Honey Preparation, Nutritive Vinegar Making. We will also cover how to make an infused herbal oil and
tricks for making perfect fresh plant tinctures. Includes extra herbal teachings on teachings on Lavender,
Lemon Balm and Angelica, 3 of the 10 plants we focused on in Module 2. This module will wake up the
medicine maker in you and help you discover if herbal medicine is the mainstay of your work and if you
need to learn more. 

Module 4: Carrying this Work Into the World

This module is about solidifying your personal medicine woman vision by bringing together the tools you have with information you still need to build a body of work that WORKS in the world. It includes the co-creation of what I call your “custom module”. This is where I dig deep into my 25+ years of resources, skill sets and other teaching programs and pull together the tools I have that will facilitate the creation of your unique body of work. 

  • Includes the 3x 1:1 sessions during the module to bring the work to life.

Teachings on Spiritual Principles and Medicine Woman Topics

Discernment and intuitive wisdom are everything. Learn to put feminine-centered spiritual principles to practice in your daily life. As you shift the way you think, your day-to-day experience with life will become easier.together the tools I have that will facilitate the creation of your unique body of work. 

3 x 1:1 Private Mentoring Sessions with Shelley

These sessions look different for each woman based on
your niche, your goals and the dream seeds you will be growing. 

Examples of 1:1 work could include:

  • Personal process work and the development of counseling skills
  • ​Business development mentorship and guidance
  • ​Learning to do a thorough women’s health focused herbal healthcare intake
  • ​The creation of a course and how to bring it to life in your community

Access to me as your guide and teacher

For mindset tune-ups and strategies to keep you moving on your medicine path. 

Join The Artemisia & Rue Women's Community

With access to our Private FB Group for this training plus the invitation to join for Herbal Teachings and Q & A. Truly a wisdom circle of kindred spirits. 

Here's all the exciting features again...

  • Connect with the concepts of Earth-Centered, Feminine-Centered Healing Traditions to firmly plant yourself on this path of power, wisdom, and spirit. 
  • Align and connect with your own divine feminine. Begin by making your own medicine drum and growing your spiritual altar.
  • Fill your personal medicine basket with the tools you need to root into women’s healing traditions. 
  • 10 sessions of powerful plant wisdom teachings paired with 12-step oriented spiritual solutions for how to live a life on life's terms, filled with freedom and ease. Quiet your mind and learn to go with the flow. 
  • ​Everything you need to know to begin working safely with herbs, plus the wise-woman's essential medicine-making skills. 
  • Solidify your personal medicine woman vision by bringing together the tools you have with information you still need to build a body of work that WORKS in the world. 
  • ​Co-create your “custom module” with me as your mentor and guide to facilitate the creation of your unique body of work. 
  • ​Learn to put feminine-centered spiritual principles to practice in your daily life.
  • ​3 x 1:1 Private Mentoring Sessions with Shelley.
  • ​Access to me as your guide and teacher- for mindset tune-ups and strategies to keep you moving on your medicine path. 
  • ​Join The Artemisia & Rue Women's Community with access to our Private FB Group for this training plus the invitation to join for Herbal Teachings and Q & A. Truly a wisdom circle of kindred spirits.

Shelley Torgove, Clinical Herbalist

Shelley is a practicing Clinical Herbalist, trained Fertility Awareness Instructor and Certified Massage Therapist. She is an international teacher and nationally recognized botanical medicine practitioner with over 25 years of experience, specializing in herbal medicine for women, fertility issues and menstrual cycle problems. Shelley was one of the first students trained in Maya Abdominal Massage by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, Hortense Robinson and Beatrice Waight in Belize. Currently each year she leads students to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico to study traditional Maya healing as it pertains to women’s health and fertility. Shelley spent twelve years working closely and co-teaching with Daniel Pool-Pech, one of the great traditional Maya healers of our time, beginning in 2006. Through her teaching and private practice work, she shares the wisdom teachings that have been passed down to her from the traditional healers she has apprenticed with in Mexico and Latin America. Shelley’s teachings demonstrate how to weave the working knowledge of Bio-regional herbalism (plants of the Rocky Mountains and Desert Southwest) with the beauty of Traditional Healing. Shelley is the owner of Artemisia & Rue.

Traditional Healing Wisdom for a Feminine, Earth-Centered Healing Practice & Spiritual Life

  • 1:1 Onboarding/Getting Rooted Call with Shelley
  • ​Monthly Q & A Zoom Gatherings
  • ​Voxer Access to Shelley for quick Q & A
  • ​Module 1: Awakening Your Inner Medicine Woman $1997
  • Module 2: The Spiritual Teachings of the Medicine Plants $1997
  • ​Module 3: A Wise-Woman's Foundation in Herbal Medicine $997
  • Module 4: Carrying this Work Into the World $1997
  • ​Teachings on Spiritual Principles and Medicine Woman Topics– $997
  • 3 x 1:1 Private Mentoring Sessions with Shelley – $1250 
  •  Access to me as your guide and teacher during our mentorship $2000
  • ​Join The Artemisia & Rue Women's Community $197

Investment Opportunities:

Pay-In-Full: $1997 USD


4 monthly payments of $600

This is the only program where I offer 1:1 mentorship and private professional and personal guidance.

The Mentorship is limited to 10 women per calendar year. 

This is your chance to have me help you refine your skill set or blossom into a whole new set of skills so that you truly end up with a feminine, earth-centered body of work that is uniquely yours. Because it is aligned with your life’s purpose, you will be proud of what you create and confident in sharing it with your community. You will be successful helping others. 

Limited to 10 women per year. Once spots are full that is it!

This program is the gateway into all my other women’s wisdom teachings, herbal programs and trips to learn in the Yucatan. If you are drawn to me and my teachings, now is the time. I will be offering the mentorship opportunity two more times. After that, all 1:1 work with me will be done in Mexico.



Registration Priority AND Special Discount for 2025 Mexico Immersions, Workshops and Retreats [Amazing things are coming! We are in the planning stage and you will be the first to know! Dates & details TBA]


3 x 1:1 private sessions with Shelley when you get to Module 4. This must be completed within 12 months of purchase date to to book the private sessions

Bonus - 2 for 1 Behind The Scenes Bonus Teaching: Understanding the 4-Phases of the Menstrual Cycle + How to Create Your Own E-Book

I call this a 2 for 1 Bonus because I will do two important things with you. Number one, I’ll walk you step-by-step through my “Understanding and Nourishing the 4-Phases of the Menstrual Cycle” E-Book to teach you the details every woman needs to know about how to spot problems in each phase of the menstrual cycle. We will cover how to use herbs and other helpful remedies to correct the imbalances we spot based on the new information we will now have. This information is foundational for working with women and will help you discover if you are passionate about this aspect of women’s health. After we cover the material, I will go back and show you the inside scoop on how to create an E-Book if you have never done it before. It is fun and easy and a powerful way to share information. We will look at how to organize ideas step by step and bring them to life in full color. This process is a fun adventure! With this information on n board, you can begin creating teaching materials to use with clients or as something beautiful you can sell. 

What Actual Clients Say...

“I have been on a powerful journey for many years. Shelley’s teachings in Awakening the Medicine Woman
brought together all my loose threads as I call them and helped me gain clarity and focus in my work. I am a nurse by training but have always loved plants and healing work. Making a drum, doing all the reading and projects brought front and center to my life how important walking a feminine-led path is for me. I have integrated what I can into my nursing work, and I know that my days working inside the medical system are ending. I love the foundation I gained in herbal medicine in this program and am certain that is the path I want to follow. I am grateful for Shelley’s honesty and wisdom as she guided me along the path of self-discovery. I did this to heal myself and what it did was show me a whole new world of how I can help others.” 

“Powerful and solid are the two words I have to describe this training. I wanted a completely life-changing
experience, and I got it. I have studied herbal medicine for many years but never found my niche. The ceremonies, songs, and the permission to walk in the steps of my ancestors were what I needed to find my way. Shelley was a fearless guide on my path. She could see things in me and the potential for my work and offerings long before I could see it. I did what she asked- trusting and following the flow of one thing leading to another. I moved from being the perpetual student to making my vision a reality. My work life has literally blossomed. The one-on-one mentorship work was the firm but loving push I needed. I bring my drum into my sessions, and I am no longer nervous to lead others. Shelley will believe in you until you believe in yourself. She showed me I too could do this work.”


Q: Why Study With Me? 

A: The Awakening the Medicine Woman Mentorship is an ideal place to plant yourself for maximum growth. I have been doing this work for 25+ years, and I feel blessed to have spent my life dedicated to this work and these teachings. You will receive from me a body of work that is uniquely mine, made up of years of client-centered insight, hundreds of successful student experiences, and practical real-world
work that is credible.

Q: How will your teachings help me create a body of work that is uniquely my own?

A: This part is so exciting to me! Think of the teachings I share with you as stepping stones on the path as
you develop your own material and style aligned with the vision for your life. You will co-create your “custom module” with me as your mentor and guide as we fill your personal medicine basket with the tools you need to root into women’s healing traditions.

Q: I am a bodyworker by profession with training in different modalities. Can I shift how I work with clients
to become a teacher and leader in my community? 
A: Yes! This is your chance to have me help you refine your skill set or blossom into a whole new set of skills so that you truly end up with a feminine, earth-centered body of work that is uniquely yours. Because it is aligned with your life’s purpose, you will be proud of what you create and confident in sharing it with your community and you will be successful helping others. All the work that has led you here will make sense! 
Q. How do I develop the trust and confidence needed to work with others?
A: There is no magic formula to this, but I know that there are a variety of professional skills that you will gain by studying, a certain level of mastery that comes with doing the work, and trust in the process that is required. The saying that "you cannot give away what you do not have" holds true when it comes to your personal and professional development. It's like a tea formula. your skills will get refined over time.

Q: Do I have to complete the Program in 4 Months?

A: As I always say, this has to work in heaven and on Earth. If life throws you a curve ball, we will work together to lay out a timeline that works. I am here and willing to let you work at your own pace. I am committed to being in the United States- with a solid Wi-Fi connection until June of 2023. After that I am
moving to Mexico and things will look different for me. With that said, we always make it work.

Q: What If I need or want additional Mentorship support?
A: Yes, this is something I offer. When women are serious about bringing their Medicine Woman body of work fully into the world they often want this. What we do is we shorten the learning curve and
compress time, meaning we get your work into the world faster and with greater ease. It’s like having a doula at your birth. It doesn’t mean there won’t be hard work, it just means you don’t have to do it alone. 

Hello Dear Medicine Woman In-The-Making,
More than anything, I want to see you succeed with your work in this world. I want you to thrive and to give the world what it so desperately needs right now.

Do you know what it needs? I bet that YES, you do. And your answer comes from deep inside of you. I know that you didn't just wake up one day and decide, hey, I want to be a Medicine Woman.

This calling has been brewing inside of you for a long time-one year or 40 years. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that you heed the calling.

I can't make you listen to the voice that speaks to you, telling you to go for it. Nor can I (at this point) steer you clear of the voice of doubt.

However, I can share my experience with you of what it is like to follow your heart-felt, spirit-led visions for your life and cheer you on! 

You will not be let down. You will not be dropped on your head when you follow your dreams.

Instead, you will be asked to step up and to show up. You will be asked to get real and to get to work.

You will be gently nourished by healing songs and lovely feminine-centered traditions.

You will be called to be a warrioress. You will be called to fight for what you believe in. You will be asked to dismantle oppression and to fight for the feminine.

You will be asked to remember. You will be asked to listen to the wind and to remember your dreams.

You will be called to play your drum, to lead yourself and other women home. 

You will be called to see and be seen. 

So, Let's do it for real!

In Love and Service, 

Shelley Torgove, Clinical Herbalist

Traditional Healing Wisdom for a Feminine, Earth-Centered Healing Practice & Spiritual Life

  • 1:1 Onboarding/Getting Rooted Call with Shelley
  • ​Monthly Q & A Zoom Gatherings
  • ​Voxer Access to Shelley for quick Q & A
  • ​Module 1: Awakening Your Inner Medicine Woman $1997
  • Module 2: The Spiritual Teachings of the Medicine Plants $1997
  • ​Module 3: A Wise-Woman's Foundation in Herbal Medicine $997
  • Module 4: Carrying this Work Into the World $1997
  • ​Teachings on Spiritual Principles and Medicine Woman Topics– $997
  • 3 x 1:1 Private Mentoring Sessions with Shelley – $1250 
  •  Access to me as your guide and teacher during our mentorship $2000
  • ​Join The Artemisia & Rue Women's Community $197

Investment Opportunities:

Pay-In-Full: $1997 USD


4 payments of $600

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